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Team on field is too weak and may be fined for deliberately losing on a next match.

pam 11 27
Followers: 0 | Points: 100 | Level: 6

Scheduled match
The next match is not yet scheduled for this team.
Team is not ready for now.
World #65069
France France #14556
Poitou-Charentes #307
Niort #42
Level: 3
Level: 6
Level: 6
Level: 6
Level: 5
Level: 7
4 - 2 2018-01-05T16:21:14.546233+00:00 pam 11 27 vs WojtexxD
2 - 2 2018-01-04T20:54:30.095679+00:00 Rogue Squadron vs pam 11 27
1 - 10 2018-01-04T14:51:29.823220+00:00 pam 11 27 vs DarkMaCla
14 - 0 2018-01-03T21:10:36.295399+00:00 Nanat45 vs pam 11 27
4 - 2 2018-01-03T14:01:42.208999+00:00 pam 11 27 vs Thib 2.0
0 - 36 2018-01-03T04:38:08.252438+00:00 pam 11 27 vs Barmy
Your match is now planned!

Opponent #opponent_country# #opponent_name#, #opponent_points# points
Matches played#matches_played#

Close Watch it!
#opponent_country# #opponent_name#, #opponent_points# points Friendly match request

Decline Accept
Your player [[name]] is now level [[level]] and has [[to_spend]] points to use. He accesses now to [[unlocked_type]] class [[unlocked_lv]].
You've got a match planned at [[time]] against [[opponent]] on [[stadium_type]] [[stadium_name]] stadium. Call your friends now to increase your chances of winning!
You won [[credits]] credits and the following reward: [[reward]].
Your match against [[opponent]] is finished and you lost [[my_score]] to [[opponent_score]]. Your team gains [[xp]] XP.
Your match against [[opponent]] is finished. It's a draw! [[my_score]] to [[my_score]]. Your team gains [[xp]] XP.
Your match against [[opponent]] is finished and you won [[my_score]] to [[opponent_score]]. Congratulations! Your team gains [[xp]] XP.
Your Neuron [[name]] was bought by [[buyer]] for [[value]] Credits.
A new player is following you : [[follower]].
The Neuronball league had to cancel your match due to a geomagnetic storm.
Your account has been credited with the [[qt]] boosters you just bought. Click here to reload the page.
All your Neurons on field are now fully charged. Click here to reload the page.
Your account has an XP amplifier activated until: [[ends]].
You made a profit of [[profit]] XP through your XP amplifier.
You have a new sponsored team, [[name]]! This team will grant you boosters when levelling up.
Your sponsored team [[name]] is now level [[level]]! You gain 100 credits and the following reward: [[reward]].
Your Neuron number [[number]], [[name]], is now stronger.
Your team is now Ready to Play, waiting for an opponent.
The team [[name]] you follow will start a match at [[time]] against [[opponent]]. You should support his team now!
Your friend [[name]] has been invited for a friendly match.
Your friend [[name]] has declined your invitation for the friendly match.
Your friendly match against [[opponent]] is finished and you lost [[my_score]] to [[opponent_score]].
Your friendly match against [[opponent]] is finished. It's a draw! [[my_score]] to [[my_score]].
Your friendly match against [[opponent]] is finished and you won [[my_score]] to [[opponent_score]].
Your team receives a [[amount]] credits fine for having deliberately lost the match against [[opponent]].